Why Does My Laptop Fan Keep Running?

One common cause of a computer’s fan is excessive heat. You may have several reasons for your fan to run continuously: excessive heat, malware, application add-ons, and CPU water cooling. If these do not solve your fan problem, you can try relocating your computer to a more relaxed area or stepping into an air-conditioned room.

Top 5 Reasons Why Laptop Fans Keep Running

1. Excessive heat

If your laptop’s fan is continually running, it may cause overheating. Excessive heat can lead to major hardware failures and frustrating long-term use. If you want to minimize the risk of overheating, follow these tips.

Keep the computer in an excellent, dry location to prevent heat damage.
Try leaving the computer on a desk instead of in bed.
You should avoid using your laptop while sleeping, as pillows and blankets can trap heat and prevent your fan from cooling it down.

If you’ve played video games for some time, you may have noticed that your laptop’s fan keeps running constantly. This is due to high CPU utilization.

Once the application has finished, the processor’s thermal temperature will stabilize. To check this, open the task manager and check the CPU utilization. You may have to select more detail in the window to see what programs are using the CPU.

If your laptop keeps running in this fashion, you should clean the air vents regularly.

Another common problem is a broken fan. If the fan is constantly running and barely audible, it could be the case that it has been disconnected or broken.

If the fan has gone completely quiet or is entirely inoperative, there’s a chance that you’ve damaged the thermal paste on the laptop.

It can cause some issues with the cooling performance of your laptop. If this is the case, replace the fan, and you’ll have a much cooler laptop.

2 – Malware

When your laptop’s fan keeps running, it could result in malware infection. Computer viruses and malware can affect your system in various ways, but the most common way is by causing your computer’s fan to run constantly.

Malware takes up many resources, including your memory and storage. As it replicates, it uses up more resources.

In addition, adware takes up valuable CPU processing power, which may cause your PC to overheat and increase fan noise.

Using a malware removal tool is a great first step. Malware removal tools help you identify and remove malware to eliminate the cause of loud computer fans.

Cryptomining malware steals your CPU’s power and uses it to mine cryptocurrencies. Besides malware, your laptop’s fan may be overheating due to a crypto-mining infection. It causes the fan to run constantly and increases the risk of laptop damage.

Viruses and adware can also cause your laptop to overheat. To identify which is responsible for your laptop’s problem, perform a deep scan and format the system.

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3 – Application Add-ons

Sometimes, you might find that your CPU fan speed is disproportionate to the amount of computing you’re doing. If this is the case, it may be time to update your chipset drivers or consider switching web browsers.

Depending on the cause of the problem, the solution may be to disable add-ons or reduce tabs. If none of these work, you can also try disabling all add-ons and switching web browsers.

If you’re running old Windows 7, you may want to turn off any applications that use too much power. Turning off all unnecessary applications can prevent your computer from overheating, resulting in a sluggish computer.

Alternatively, you can try opening your Task Manager and selecting ‘Task Manager’ from the menu. This may lead to unexpected issues if they’re not disabled.

4 – Disk Usage

If you’re wondering why your laptop’s fan is continuously on, it’s likely due to high CPU usage. The high CPU utilization will stabilize the thermal temperature, but the fan will keep running until the temperature drops.

To check if your CPU is too high, open the task manager and look at the “CPU” column. You may need to select more details to see what’s consuming your CPU.

Another possible cause of high disk usage in Windows 10 is it can bombard you with updates without warning. You may need to stop automatic updates by reducing disk usage to less than 100%. You may also need to perform a clean boot or wipe the hard drive if this doesn’t work.

If the disk runs at 100%, the problem is most likely caused by old hardware or too much disk. It will require you to reboot Windows to see results. You may need to update the SATA drivers before the issue goes away.

Check your manufacturer’s website for updated drivers if that still doesn’t fix the issue. Follow their instructions and install the latest driver.

5 – Cleaning the Air Vents

One of the easiest ways to keep your laptop fan in good working order is to clean the vents on your fan. You can easily use compressed air to clean your laptop fan.

It is best done when you disassemble your laptop and unplug the power cord from the wall. Using a paper towel to clean the vents will help to remove any dust or debris. After cleaning, reassemble your laptop and replace the bottom cover.

The air vents on your laptop computer can become blocked if you use it frequently. If you allow it to sit in a place with excessive dust, the laptop will not run as well as it should.

Cleaning the vents on your laptop can be done with a handheld vacuum cleaner. Choose a cleaner with lower power than your regular vacuum cleaner and clean the vents once or twice a month.

To clean the vents, remove the bottom cover of your laptop. If you don’t know how to remove the bottom cover, you can use compressed air. A vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment also works.

Clean the air vents on your laptop fan regularly to keep it running at optimum efficiency.

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